Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random Family - Adrian Nicole LeBlanc

Wow. I just finished this book. It was captivating. The author spends ten years with several families (really one big extended family - everyone is connected somehow) that are struggling to survive in the Bronx, overcoming poverty, crime, teenage pregnancy, drugs... it's heartbreaking and devastating and sad and seems impossible even though it's 100% true. I'm hoping there will be a sequel to tell how the story ends, after going through ten years of these people's lives, you are attached to them, and want them to succeed despite the odds that they will not.

I like the style that the author writes in - it's not too flowery or descriptive, and the dialogue is from actual conversations, very factual. The background information is from her observations or her research.

While reading this book, I thought about how lucky I am, and I feel so much gratitude for my own life. I feel so much compassion and heartache for those less fortunate, and this book paints such a vivid picture of some of those who are constantly struggling. I'll never forget this book or the lives of the characters... nor do I want to.

1 comment:

Jen E. said...

wow, i really want to read this! thanks for posting about it!